Is Weight Watchers Chicken Burgers Keto Friendly?

This delicious meal is a great way to stay on track with Keto and enjoy the convenience of prepared food. Weight Watchers Chicken Burgers provide a tasty solution for those wishing to keep up with their Keto lifestyle. This carb-free dish contains no sugar, artificial sweeteners or highly refined oils, making it an ideal choice for anyone trying to maintain ketosis. Enjoy this convenient meal without sacrificing flavor – Weight Watchers Chicken Burgers have you covered!

How Many Calories In Weight Watchers Chicken Burgers

A 100g of Weight Watchers Chicken Burgers contains 140 calories of which 0g is net carbs, 25g is protein and 4g is fat.

Nutritional Breakdown Of Weight Watchers Chicken Burgers per 100g
Calories Net Carbs Protein Fat
140 0g 25g 4g

Last update on 2025-01-21 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API