What To Grow In A Keto Garden
You will want to grow herbs, fruits, and vegetables that are low in carbohydrates.
The summer months are almost here and what that means is that people all over the world are planning and plotting (literally) their gardens. Some are more serious than others but when it comes down to it, seeing what your options are for growing your very own Keto garden is a great idea!
Not only does growing your own garden means that your food is literally waiting for you right outside your back door, but it also means that you can stay on track with your keto lifestyle without having to run to the store every day to find a good vegetable to cook and eat. Being able to save time, money and energy just by planting your own Keto garden? Count me in!
How To Grow Keto Vegetables In A Keto Garden
Before deciding what vegetables you can grow in your Keto garden, it’s first important to understand what vegetables you can eat while living the Keto lifestyle.
What vegetables can I eat on the Keto diet?
Most vegetables are actually just fine to consume when eating Keto. Think green leafy vegetables like lettuce, Kale and spinach as some of the best options but don’t forget your broccoli and green beans as well!
Are onions keto friendly?
They sure are! They are low carb and delicious so they would be a great option to plant and grow in your Keto garden!
Can you eat cabbage on a Keto diet?
Absolutely. It’s low in carbs and tastes great cooked a number of varied ways. Many people find that eating cabbage on the Keto diet is a great way to fill up on healthy options and achieve that full feeling that they’re looking for.
How to grow a Keto Garden
Before anything, you need to decide where your garden is going to be. If you already have a garden plot area dug, that’s great! If not, don’t fret. Depending on the amount of work that you’re wanting to put into it, you can either till up the grass and dirt and create your own plot or you can head to the store and buy your own above ground garden box that you can set up and fill with dirt and soil. Either option is great, but the above ground garden option takes less time and effort.
Once you have your garden spot done and ready, it’s time to figure out what vegetables you’re going to put into your Keto garden. (Also, remember to have your garden in an area where it gets enough sunlight throughout the day!)
What vegetables should you grow in your Keto garden?
While you can really pick any vegetables that you want, you need to make certain that the vegetables that you choose are compatible with the soil conditions and temperatures of where you live. On the bag of the seed bags that you buy at the store, you’ll have to locate the zone area that you’re living and see if that specific vegetable is good to plant in your area.
If it is, grab it and plan on using it in your garden. If it’s not, put it back on the shelf and keep looking until you find vegetables that are more tailored towards your demographic region.
Vegetables to plant in a Keto garden
- Broccoli
- Brussel Sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Cucumbers
- Garlic
- Green Beans
- Eggplant
- Kale
- Lettuce
- Onion
- Peppers
- Spinach
- Swiss Chard
- Tomato
- Zucchini
Herbs to plant in a Keto garden
- Basil
- Chives
- Cilantro
- Dill
- Mint
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Tarragon
- Thyme
Fruits to plant in a Keto garden
- Strawberries
- Rasberries
- Blackberries
What not to plant in a Keto garden
I would avoid planting the following, as they are high in carbohydrates.
- Beets
- Butternut Squash
- Carrots
- Corn
- Parsnips
- Potatoes
- Sweet Peas
- Sweet Potatoes
Planting tips for your garden
The key to planting Keto vegetables in your garden is that you need to make certain that you’re digging the holes deep enough to plant them and also giving them enough space to grow. The good news? All that vital information can be found on the back of the seed packets that you’re purchasing from the store. Don’t skimp on these directions.
If you’re wanting to grow the best Keto garden possible, you’re going to want to adhere to the guidelines and standards that they’ve printed on the seed package.
How to care for your seeds once planted
Once you’ve taken the time and planted the seeds of your Keto vegetables, it’s important to remember to care for them on a daily basis. Making certain that they get enough water and sunlight are two imperative parts of growing your own Keto garden. While you may not have control over the sunlight aspect per se, you can control how much water they are getting every single day.
Plan on watering your plants either early in the morning or later on in the evening, if at all possible. This is so that as the plants grow, the water on their leaves won’t get scorched or burned by the rays of the sun.
Growing your own Keto garden isn’t hard to do but it does take a bit of maintenance on your end to keep it up and running. As long as you plant the garden in an area with plenty of sun, pull the weeds as they grow and give your vegetables plenty of water, you should be well on your way to growing one of the best Keto gardens around!
Check out these Keto recipes for what to make with your garden harvest:
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